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  • Difference between Average and Instantaneous Rate of Change in Functions
  • Definitation of Derivatives and their estimation
  • Idea of differentiability v/s continuity
  • Various rules for differentiation functions including Chain Rule, Differentiations of important functions
  • Implicit Differentiation Problems
  • Second derivative problems
Applications of Derivatives
  • Graphical Understanding of derivative of a function
  • Introduction to Related Rates
  • L'Hopital's Rule and problems related to it
  • Analyzing functions using Mean Value Theorem, Extreme Value Theorem and Critical Points like Relative and Absolute Extrema
  • Concavity and Infection Points, Second Derivative Test
  • Sketching graphs, connections between first, second and third derivatives
  • Calculator based practice
  • Introduction to idea of Integration, Approximations using Reimann Sums and definition of Integrals
  • Fundamental Theorem of Calculus and Interpreting behavior of accumulating functions
  • Indefinite and Definite Integrals, their properties and common functions
  • Integrating using different methods like substitution, long division, completing the square and trigonometric identities
Differential Equations
  • Introduction and being able to verify solutions of given differential equations
  • Sketching slope fields and reasoning questions
  • Exponential models based on real world problems
Applications of Integrals
  • Average value based problems
  • Area between different curves and X Axis or Y Axis 
  • Volume of different 3D objects using double integration and Washer Method
  • Calculator based practice
Parametric Equations, Polar Coordinates 
  • Introduction to Parametric Equations and their differentiation
  • Finding arc lengths of curves given by parametric equations
  • Introduction to Vector Valued Functions and their differentiation
  • Defining Polar Coordinates and their differentiation
  • Finding the area of a polar region
  • Calculator based Practice
Infinite Sequence and Series
  • Convergent and Divergent Series
  • Tests for divergence and convergence like nth-term test, Integral test, Comparison test, Alternating series test, Ratio test
  • Absolute and Conditional Convergence
  • Lagrange error bound, Radius and Interval of convergence of Power series
  • Representing functions as power series


Precalculus is an important pre-requisite for Calculus. This course dives into new concepts of Derivatives and Integrals based on Limits. A good understanding of discontinuities, limits and functions in general is very good to have before delving into Calculus. A good sense of graphical representations of different functions is a handy tool at this point in Mathematics.

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